Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Scariest Song of All-Time

I never thought it was possible that music could scare me until I heard this song about 7 years ago. I don't even think you can call this an actual song. It's more just random experimentation. I am talking about The Beatles' "Revolution 9" from their self-titled 1968 album. I'm sure some of you won't freak out when hearing this but don't be surprised if you do. I have been in places where people I know have actually cried during this song, no word of a lie. To make this song as scary as possible you have to follow these rules:

1) Listen to it by yourself or 1-2 other people.

2) Listen to it late at night.

I have walked home from friend's houses at 2 A.M. after listening to this song and it was the worst walk ever. I almost started to run feeling that someone was behind me. No, I wasn't on LSD. But the Beatles sure were when they wrote this. So I've hyped it up for you and here it is: the scariest song of all-time. Remember to follow the 2 rules listed above for maximum freakout.

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